How We’re Different

Modern Wealth Management
That’s Actually Different

Offering 1 of the following is good.
Thiesen Dueker offers all of them.

1. Independence
Thiesen Dueker is independent. We’re not a local office of a large Wall Street firm requiring us to sell its own proprietary products. Our advisors are free to offer any and all financial tools they think are right for their clients. And that gives our clients freedom to see and choose more options.

Our independence also means we get to make a difference right here where we live and serve clients. Our community support dollars aren’t dictated by a headquarters in New York either. We decide. And we choose to volunteer and fundraise for great causes right here in the areas we serve.

2. TEAMSwork
“TEAMSwork” is our term for our collaborative model. It means that each Thiesen Dueker advisor is supported by a team of associates. With experienced help serving the needs of their clients and “running the business,” our advisors have more time to focus on financial planning.

“TEAMSwork” also means that our advisors work together to benefit Thiesen Dueker clients. No one advisor can offer in-depth expertise in all disciplines of individual wealth management, though some may suggest they can. The financial plans we create for our clients are vetted by multiple Thiesen Dueker advisors, each bringing to the table his or her own area of expertise. We challenge, debate and present alternative solutions. In the end, our clients know that our recommendations have been carefully scrutinized. It’s more work than some put in. But it’s all worth it.

3. Smart Software
Does the software your financial advisor uses really make a difference? We think so. That’s why Thiesen Dueker invests in advanced A.I technology that overlays various aspects of our clients’ financial pictures with the most current market data. The software is designed to reveal both red flags and opportunities, and helps us analyze options to deal with both. The experience of our advisors and the power of our technology brings a lot of “smart” to our clients’ tables.


Our founding partners, Jeff Thiesen and Lance Dueker, began their careers serving their clients as consultants with large Wall Street firms. Yet, while their passion for serving their clients fueled their success, the proprietary limitations of large firms fueled their desire to serve clients a different way. They knew they could provide their clients with more choices and more opportunities independently. And they were right.

In 2003, they left the Wall Street firms behind and opened Thiesen Dueker. Able to serve clients the way they want to be served … and offer them unlimited opportunities … proved to be a model Thiesen Dueker clients appreciated. Since then, many other clients and experienced large-firm consultants have joined our team and found for themselves that independence is better.



To offer the best advice, we have to be the best prepared by perpetually updating our knowledge. Each team member at Thiesen Dueker is committed to ongoing industry education. You will benefit from our multidisciplinary expertise.


Autopilot is not an option. We care deeply about your success and work diligently to help you achieve it. We’ll continually review your portfolio in relationship to your goals and an ever-changing financial environment.


Our goal is for our clients to consider themselves as better off for having chosen Thiesen Dueker. We strive to achieve this by offering sound advice, staying in close communication, being accessible and responsive, and by fostering a sense of family.

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